Junnu Powder / Ginna / Kharvas / Seem paal Powder (100g)
Junnu powder is prepared using the colostrum milk that a cow produces for the first few days after it delivers a calf.
Names of colostrum powder in different languages:
Ginna/Ginnu in Kannada/Konkani
Junnu in Telugu
Seem paal in Tamil
Kharvas in Gujarati Marathi
Colostrum milk is thick yellowish milk and is very rich in fat and other nutrients. The milk is rich with antibodies and immune factors. It is also generally very thick milk can be cut like a cake.
Junnu is an exceptional and delicious thick pudding, rich with the texture similar to crème caramel. It has a very unique and heavenly taste and is traditionally made from Junnu Pallu (lactating milk). It is often served during festivals and celebrations and often is indication of Spring.